안드로이드 앱 삭제된 이유

아래의 메일 내용으로 구글 플레이스토어에서 앱이 삭제되었다고 다시 수정해서 올리라고 하는군요~

Read through the Personal and Sensitive Information article and make the necessary changes to your app.

Your app is uploading users' phone number information to https://... without a prominent disclosure.

Make sure to also post a privacy policy in both the designated field in the Play Developer Console and from within the Play distributed app itself.

Make sure your app is compliant with the User Data policy and all other policies listed in the Developer Program Policies. Remember that additional enforcement could occur if there are further policy issues with your apps.

Sign in to your Play Console and upload the modified, policy compliant APK. Make sure to increment the version number of the APK.

Submit your app.

사용자의 폰번호를 서버로 전송한다는 이유로 삭제한 것 같습니다.

이런 경우엔 개인정보 취급방침 동의를 받는 다이얼로그를 추가하고 앱을 업데이트 하면 됩니다.

블로그 이미지


가상서버호스팅 VPS 리눅스 서버관리 윈도우 IT
